Saturday, 12 May 2007


Did my gym workout today to T-Rex, A had made me a special compilation, so that was funky. It worked really well too, good rhythms.

Tomorrow I go off to union conference in Brighton for a week, which should be exciting, even if it's also scary. We'll see. As long as I get a full English breakfast, I'll be fine. Heh.

My suitcase is almost packed. Hey, I have a suitcase! It's getting a pre-Trinidad trial run, anyway.

Must do some work on my creative writing course while I'm away, especially as I feel the poetry section is going to take rather a lot of work.

Last night A and I made a funky compilation CD of cover versions, but not the obvious ones everyone knows. I've been listening to it today (it ended up as a double album) and it's excellent. Because we rock, obviously.

Now, must finish packing, and attempt sleep, although I never sleep very well the night before I go away anywhere. Worth a try, though.

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