Monday, 23 July 2007


I read the book, of course. I didn't go at midnight because I was the only person who wanted to go who lived anywhere near me that I knew, and I thought going by myself would be a bit sad. So I picked up my copy on Saturday morning, when we went out to get the rest of the stuff for the folk festival. I started reading around 2pm, finished around 10pm with a half hour break. So 7 and a half hours, pretty good.

I enjoyed it a lot. I don't think JK Rowling is a brilliant writer, she's certainly nothing compared to Phillip Pullman. And you don't come away from reading her books thinking about important life issues. But she's a fantastic storyteller, and sometimes that's enough. Especially for a children's book.

Anyway, now I'm back working on my writing course. Life writing now. Not sure how it's going yet, we'll see in a few days.

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