Friday, 28 September 2007


It is raining. I have taken the day off work to write. Which I will start it just a moment, really.
But before that, I read Beth Ditto's column in today's Guardian. Which is brilliant, as usual (the column, not the paper).

Thursday, 27 September 2007

A newspaper that calls itself liberal?

I'm really, really, REALLY angry about this, and how something so ignorant, sexist, and disgusting could have been produced by The Guardian.

So instead of telling you how wrong it is, read this fantastic and well-written reply. And if you ever hear anyone using any of the standard rape myths, make them read it too.

Apologies for the short posts lately, writing course is coming to an end. But there are some things I can't ignore and must draw to your attention, and this is one of them. I'm ashamed of the Guardian at the moment. I'd thought better of it than that.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Feminist reader

Today's Guardian has an interesting piece on feminists and books:
Six leading feminists recall the writing that first opened their eyes to the women's movement.

Check it out.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Still writing...

I'm supposed to be working on my writing. Submitted one assignment on Friday, which I'm pleased with. However, I now have 2 and a half weeks to write the final one, which is actually two. Life writing AND fiction. Obviously, I'm supposed to have been developing these throughout the course. But clearly I haven't. I at least have the topic for the life writing, so I'm working on that. No idea what fiction to write yet though. So this is why I haven't been writing much here. I'm meant to be at martial arts class now, but I'm not, because some writing needed to be done.

Mr Huntress and I watched 1408 at the weekend, which was OK, but the plot was pretty rubbish - why was the hotel room evil? No reason, it just was. Oh, OK. I don't know if the story lacks plot, but the film certainly does. John Cusack was watchable though, as usual. The weekend before we saw Atonement, which was brilliant, but really, really sad. I recommend it. The film was beautifully shot too. Gorgeous.

It was cold enough to see my breath this morning. Autumn must be on its way.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Read this

I know I've been quiet lately, and still have very little time at the moment, but really wanted to point out this article in today's Guardian about successful actresses feeling the need to strip off for photo shoots. I'm just glad at least one major newspaper is printing an article like this.